Ceremonial cacao, an elixir of the ancient Maya and Aztecs dating back thousands of years, was consumed ritually to create a connection to divinity. Legends say that in times of threat to the balance of man and nature, the spirit of cacao appears to open hearts and return the earth to harmonious unity.

This reverent devotion to the supposed effects led to a millennia-old tradition in which they revered cocoa as a precious commodity. Its value was so immense that it was used as a means of payment at times.

Where does the name "Cacao" come from?

Kakaobohnen am Baum für besten Rohkakao

The word "cacao" comes from the Olmecs, an ancient indigenous people from the Mexican Gulf Coast region. They learned about it around 1500 years before Christ and passed it on to other indigenous tribes, which influenced its spread and character. For a long time, the cocoa beans remained the preserve of the indigenous peoples. It was not until the 16th century that Spanish sailors brought it to Europe. However, it took decades before people appreciated this valuable fruit, as it was too bitter for the European palate. It was only the addition of sugar that helped it to achieve its breakthrough.

fermentierter Kakao voller wertvoller Inhaltsstoffe wie Magnesium

This is how the naturalist Carl von Linné came to include the plant in his "System naturae" and called it Theobroma cacao, the food of the gods, and attributed to it unique healing powers. The naturalist Alexander von Humboldt added the following words to this statement: "Never before has nature gathered such an abundance of valuable nutrients in such a small space as in the cocoa bean."

Science has now identified around 1,200 chemical substances in the beans of the cocoa fruit. Particularly noteworthy are magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, chromium, potassium and vitamin E in significant quantities. It also contains many natural compounds and more antioxidants than blueberries, pomegranates, cranberries or grapes.

In the most well-known growing regions today, such as Ivory Coast, Ghana, Indonesia/Bali, Nigeria, Cameroon, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Togo, the Dominican Republic, Peru, Bolivia, Malaysia and some others, around 50 million people currently make a living from growing and selling cocoa fruit. It is obvious that most farmers in these regions live at subsistence level and therefore have limited opportunities to practice sustainable farming methods. Unfortunately, this still means that sustainability in relation to nature and its resources is often neglected.

Erstklassige Schokolade Kakao Guatemala, Peru, Costa Rica

It will continue to be difficult for most small businesses in the future, as the cocoa industry has found great benefits. Cocoa can now be found in a wide range of applications. The cocoa butter contained in the bean is used in the cosmetics and food industries. The cocoa mass is used to produce cocoa bars, but also in recipes in fine cuisine, for example in sauces. After all, the cocoa powder that we are all familiar with is mostly used as a snack, smoothie, topping or to make drinking chocolate. This high demand means that the massive price war does not affect the large companies, but comes at the expense of small family businesses that want to use cultivation to ensure their survival and that of their children.

Bali Indoenesien spiritualität Zeremoniell

Our raw cocoa comes from an association of small farmers from the Ubud region of Bali, also known as the "Island of the Gods". They have managed to break this cycle through free pricing and extremely fair trade, so that they can cultivate sustainably. At the same time, they actively contribute to the preservation of cocoa trees and biodiversity. What is special, however, is their deep connection to spirituality, which is still evident today in daily cocoa ceremonies and rituals in honor of the gods and this valuable fruit.

Ready to start the journey?

As you can see, cocoa is an absolutely fascinating natural product with a history that goes back thousands of years. A part of this history is waiting to be discovered by you. Visit our shop and immerse yourself in the world of our first-class raw cocoa.